Monday, September 7, 2009

On Love... A distorted history of all times...

Okay lets talk about love, tell me what is love really, I mean isn’t it like an emotion, at least that’s what I believed until all these people started feeding me all these new ideas of ‘falling’ in love (making it appear like wide open chasm of nothingness) and the depth of the ocean of love, now where do you go about getting an idea like that, you don’t fall in sadness or happiness do you, then how and why love and even if we (for a moment) assume that love is a physical space in which you do ‘fall’. Why do people carry it around with them, to lay on the ground at convenient points of time only to fall into, if that isn’t the case then the other probability is that love is omnipresent, if so then why the hell don’t we fall into it while look at another man, or a woman we’re not remotely interested in, now that reminds, isn’t love supposed to be blind, then how the explain the following statistic that 99% of all couples consist of partners who may be considered equally attractive in their respective sexes by the opposite ones. Any way, maybe all that is just a coincidence, lets just get back to humans and their selective plunges into the depths of something that (even though there are strong arguments of disagreement) is described as an emotion. And the best part is “love” always “hurts” so why the hell don’t you parachute your way down, or hold on to the other guy you’re going down with, unless, everyone has a hole to themselves which they can retreat into when they are done having sex.

I mean, come on, love is definitely a new emotion, it might be even called an invention of the new world, life existed before love, all one really needs is the art of making it, and we don’t even need to call it that (‘they’ do though, so we might as well, otherwise we don’t get any), instead term it having sex… truthful and effective, short and sweet (I hope not), Birds and bees, stings and spewing venom, and then the spread of wings and flying away.

I truly think some smart witch in the early centuries created a giant and a big pot and ordered the giant to ‘pick’ interesting men ‘up’ (hence the phrase) and put them in the giant pot, where she (and all her ugliness) would lie waiting, panting, wanting, desiring, and the poor men for lack of anything better to do would do it with her only to be thrown out of the pot soon after… the pot was called

Then these men and other artisans united from across the world and decided to create a magical pot called
“LOVE” of their own, they tried and tried and tried again, until man perfected the ART of MAKING “LOVE”, and this ancestral knowledge has been passed from man to man, generation to generation, and now truly forgotten is the art only a few handfuls of mortal souls still practice the act of sex in a large bowl (pots are passé you see) while still others mistake their bowels for bowls and are satisfied within themselves, any way… “Sex will make more people and more people will make more sex”, oh and yeah before I forget… “Love will find a way… to hurt you.” (Yes love your friendly neighborhood voyeur, Love. He’s like a sex maniac, you know. Lock your doors at night, or not, going by everything that’s been written about him, he will find a way to hurt you, THE BASTARD.)

The truth about liars!

The truth about liars is often misunderstood or misconstrued.
Lying is not the trait of a born loser, or an insecure soul but is a factual (or ‘nonfactual’) art, a way of life that is silently but quickly becoming the order of the day.

The artists and artisans (those who haven’t perfected the ‘art’) are present in every sphere of everyday life and most, if not all are well-respected pillars of society (those who aren’t are mere beginners, the artisans as mentioned earlier). There are many forms of practice of the art and many methodologies, misinformation, warping of facts, alternating perceptual maps, environmental conditioning, incorrect or incoherent representation of strands of logic and scientifically coating in some extreme brush strokes the color of darkness with a bright shade of pink, or yellow. These modern day maestros also downplay and frequently use the effectiveness of stealth to their advantage. There is a high overlap in the art of lying and the new reasoning that is entering the world, many now claim that it is closer to a developing science than an art form. I on the other hand am still inclined to the later nomenclature as it defines the subject in a freer, much more open space, a huge white canvas, in which he can paint at will and yield his masked webs of nothingness.

Liars often display traits of genius, as the common adage goes “one lie breeds a hundred others,” now imagine presenting a theory and then substantiating it with a hundred others, all at the drop of a hat, in awkward circumstances and doing so without a second of warning on the spur of the moment. This is what liars do, good ones do it flawlessly, bad ones often end up with too much fat on their fried bacon.

Good liars make the best lawyers, bad mothers, lenient fathers, good husbands, healthy doctors, wealthy mechanics, creative children, fascinating writers, prominent politicians, great salesmen, valued friends, respected administrators, and most of all wondrous, captivating, sensitive, romantic and generous lovers.

So I suggest to anyone presently in or attempting to be in any of those roles in society, remember these words: -

“Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well – Samuel Butler ”

“ He who permits himself to tell a lie once finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time till at length it becomes habitual – Thomas Jefferson”

“Everything that deceives may be said to enchant – Plato”

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes – Mark Twain”

and my favorite,

“You say you are lying. But if everything you say is a lie, then you are telling the truth; you cannot tell the truth because everything you say is a lie. You lie, you tell the truth ... but you cannot, for you lie. -- Norman the android, Star Trek”