Monday, September 7, 2009

The truth about liars!

The truth about liars is often misunderstood or misconstrued.
Lying is not the trait of a born loser, or an insecure soul but is a factual (or ‘nonfactual’) art, a way of life that is silently but quickly becoming the order of the day.

The artists and artisans (those who haven’t perfected the ‘art’) are present in every sphere of everyday life and most, if not all are well-respected pillars of society (those who aren’t are mere beginners, the artisans as mentioned earlier). There are many forms of practice of the art and many methodologies, misinformation, warping of facts, alternating perceptual maps, environmental conditioning, incorrect or incoherent representation of strands of logic and scientifically coating in some extreme brush strokes the color of darkness with a bright shade of pink, or yellow. These modern day maestros also downplay and frequently use the effectiveness of stealth to their advantage. There is a high overlap in the art of lying and the new reasoning that is entering the world, many now claim that it is closer to a developing science than an art form. I on the other hand am still inclined to the later nomenclature as it defines the subject in a freer, much more open space, a huge white canvas, in which he can paint at will and yield his masked webs of nothingness.

Liars often display traits of genius, as the common adage goes “one lie breeds a hundred others,” now imagine presenting a theory and then substantiating it with a hundred others, all at the drop of a hat, in awkward circumstances and doing so without a second of warning on the spur of the moment. This is what liars do, good ones do it flawlessly, bad ones often end up with too much fat on their fried bacon.

Good liars make the best lawyers, bad mothers, lenient fathers, good husbands, healthy doctors, wealthy mechanics, creative children, fascinating writers, prominent politicians, great salesmen, valued friends, respected administrators, and most of all wondrous, captivating, sensitive, romantic and generous lovers.

So I suggest to anyone presently in or attempting to be in any of those roles in society, remember these words: -

“Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well – Samuel Butler ”

“ He who permits himself to tell a lie once finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time till at length it becomes habitual – Thomas Jefferson”

“Everything that deceives may be said to enchant – Plato”

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes – Mark Twain”

and my favorite,

“You say you are lying. But if everything you say is a lie, then you are telling the truth; you cannot tell the truth because everything you say is a lie. You lie, you tell the truth ... but you cannot, for you lie. -- Norman the android, Star Trek”


  1. hmmmm....
    I still thought you, Nikhil, Ami & me used to hate febbers.
    Gottcha discuss this.
    But again an awe awe awe piece of art.
    Appreciated indeed.

  2. how lucky we girls are!!!!
    we have a great advantage over our male counterparts in this regard...
    we have far less chances of being shown up and embarrassed in public...
    see, guys give themselves fatter salaries,bigger homes,better accessories,mind blowing experiences...these all, and they usually are, can be easily proved as lies (mostly by other about boy bitching)...
    women on the other hand....
    am sure no one is going to sue me if i say i can't walk two steps outside my gate without being accosted...even if i happen to be fat and ugly...telling whoppers about our irresistibility isn't punishable by law..!!!
    but seriously, on a psychological level guys and girls lie about different things and girls' lie can be mostly termed harmless.....
    but anyway, i'd like to know everything about your lies..then i would know everything of importance about you...
