Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Drunk Bartender

Parallel thought invasion causes angered devastation,
Knowledge is rightfully burnt and love undergoes molestation,
In this world what is true is often lied,
And people’s aspirations regularly commit suicide,
Standing in the middle of this god-forsaken road in the middle of the night,
Here they come, step on me and march clear out of sight,
Those were the giants of grief, fear and anxiety,
The underlying danger on the road of life’s complexity,
They squeezed you hard and got every last drop that remained,
After they were done all your energy is drained,
Theoretical assumptions and analytical studies add to the confusion,
And they believe that people would fear the threat of a nuclear solution,
I’m positively low my man hand me a drink,
Make it strong, Long Island with a whisky stink,
Ahh! Much better, now that my senses are slow,
I wouldn’t have to think about that what I already know,
The end of the world is near, they say, it might come at any time,
I laugh at the poor bastards while I nurse my Gin & Tonic and carefully try to rhyme,
Riding on the storms of filtered perceptions,
Trying to hide from fanatical misconceptions,
There is a craving desire to know what is true,
But those who really want to know are but a few,
This world is a cliché, a statement delightfully sarcastic,
And every time the past repeats itself, it’s equally fantastic,
They call me a drunk, and say that I have lost all my senses,
But the rum in my hand is just to help me drop my defenses,
A clear shot of tequila and the tangy taste of fresh cut lime that will follow,
Activates my senses and frees my mind, that earlier seemed so hollow,
I drive up beside me and strike up a conversation,
And they stare at me as though it were some sort of hallucination,
But I don’t just give in; instead I look at their eyes,
And at first glance in know it is but a disguise,
Strange but true, they feared me; because they knew,
That I was their Messiah, their savior,
But I still couldn’t understand their strange behavior,
Their dense dark minds are brimming with pain,
And their, soul, screams out through their eyes shrieks in a manner that seems insane,
I close my eyes and to my home I go straight,
I’ve decided now, that I will quit my drinking and try to improve their fate,
To make them see what they never saw here,
I think I’ll become their bartender when sweet death draws near.

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