Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Enchanted Land

Lost opportunity, and a mind lost to the world,
A mind rock,
A heart stoned,
Laggard, haggard, flushed butts down his hole,
From fix to fix, I exist!
The electric shamans ravings, coo somewhere in the distance,
His Indians gather on dawns highway,
We breed in the darkness of dusk,
Where do we sleep, in this enchanted land of smog?
Why do we sleep, in this enchanted land of smog?
There she goes, should I go to?
No I must sleep in this enchanted land of smog…
Tired eyes,
Exhausted lies,
Told and retold,
Lo and behold,
She stops and winks at the ravenous one,
He gathers courage and the remains of his strength,
And they disappear in the enchanted land of smog,
While I still bravely attempt to sleep,
But I do not exist anymore,
I do knot care,
I while my time while they come and get me,
As they slowly get to me,
Those carriers of us all,
Ours are the souls,
United in the enchanted land of smog...

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